Website Outages & Blackouts – the Right Way


To see all the details go to Website outages and blackouts the right way by Pierre Far

tl;dr: Use a 503 HTTP status code but read on for important details.

Sometimes webmasters want to take their site offline for a day or so, perhaps for server maintenance or as political protest. We’re currently seeing some recommendations being made about how to do this that have a high chance of hurting how Google sees these websites and so we wanted to give you a quick how-to guide based on our current recommendations.

The most common scenario we’re seeing webmasters talk about implementing is to replace the contents on all or some of their pages with an error message (“site offline”) or a protest message. The following applies to this scenario (replacing the contents of your pages) and so please ask (details below) if you’re thinking of doing something else.

1. The most important point: Webmasters should return a 503 HTTP header for all the URLs participating in the blackout (parts of a site or the whole site). This helps in two ways:

a. It tells us it’s not the “real” content on the site and won’t be indexed.

b. Because of (a), even if we see the same content (e.g. the “site offline” message) on all the URLs, it won’t cause duplicate content issues.
2. Googlebot’s crawling rate will drop when it sees a spike in 503 headers. This is unavoidable but as long as the blackout is only a transient event, it shouldn’t cause any long-term problems and the crawl rate will recover fairly quickly to the pre-blackout rate. How fast depends on the site and it should be on the order of a few days.

3. Two important notes about robots.txt:

a. As Googlebot is currently configured, it will halt all crawling of the site if the site’s robots.txt file returns a 503 status code for robots.txt. This crawling block will continue until Googlebot sees an acceptable status code for robots.txt fetches (currently 200 or 404). This is a built-in safety mechanism so that Googlebot doesn’t end up crawling content it’s usually blocked from reaching. So if you’re blacking out only a portion of the site, be sure the robots.txt file’s status code is not changed to a 503.

b. Some webmasters may be tempted to change the robots.txt file to have a “Disallow: /” in an attempt to block crawling during the blackout. Don’t block Googlebot’s crawling like this as this has a high chance of causing crawling issues for much longer than the few days expected for the crawl rate recovery.

4. Webmasters will see these errors in Webmaster Tools: it will report that we saw the blackout. Be sure to monitor the Crawl Errors section particularly closely for a couple of weeks after the blackout to ensure there aren’t any unexpected lingering issues.

5. General advice: Keep it simple and don’t change too many things, especially changes that take different times to take effect. Don’t change the DNS settings. As mentioned above, don’t change the robots.txt file contents. Also, don’t alter the crawl rate setting in WMT. Keeping as many settings constant as possible before, during, and after the blackout will minimize the chances of something odd happening.

To see all the details go to Website outages and blackouts the right way by Pierre Far

The Reason the First Amendment starts with Free Exercise of Religion

The reason the First Amendment starts with free exercise of religion – our Founding Fathers recognized that when you lose freedom of the exercise of your religion – you lose all other freedoms. #AmConstitution #BillofRights
And, they created our “explicit” Bill of Rights because they understood that governments would attempt to change “implicit” rights in the body of the American Constitution. The Constitution was not going to be ratified without this “explicit” Bill of Rights – and so history was made.

And now (again, again ad nauseam) people in our government are ignoring their vows to American citizens (and to God) and openly apply their own self-interpretations to our American laws. So now is the time to remind citizens that the body of the Constitution has a clause that basically say we can replace our government if the the government does not protect our Bill of Rights.

Our America rights are declared in the Declaration of Independence. Specifically – “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”. Thus, it clear that are rights are from are powered by our Creator’s will – and this furthermore means the government has no say over our inalienable rights primarily because the government has no power over our loving Creator, our loving God and loving Lord of Lords.

Note: we fought and earned our freedom as a nation based on the Declaration of Independence – not our American Constitution. The Constitution was implemented to keep the federal government in constraints and to keep the federal government from constraining the inalienable rights of We the People. Hence, you can clearly see that regulations for Obamacare, EPA, and Education and Welfare are written without the approval of representatives are fundamental unconstitutional on two ways: primarily they are designed to constraint and over rules our inalienable rights and they are not implemented with consent of our representatives – and thus are implemented without the consent of We the People.

Benjamin Franklin:
– “The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.”
– “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Defunding Planned Parenthood – and defund other socialist type of programs being instituted by Obama and his liberal fellow travelers who espouse “social justice”
– rather than follow the agreed to Judeo-Christian ethics as defined and written in Declaration of Independence
– ” We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;”

Defund Obama’s EO 13575 – stop this and you stop Obama agenda for Muslin takeover
This EO take over land usage of all rural areas to eliminate states sovereignty and our inalienable rights to won land – it will forces American to live in high-density testaments (cells) meanwhile Obama will settle Muslim refugees into these rural areas so that they can CHANGE our American laws to Sharia Laws
This is a massive land take over scam promoted by Obama to aid Muslim/Sharia Law takeover
#BillofRights #AmConstitution

SOA and eLearning

QUESTION by Kristi Mead for Facebook group “CSUF MSIDT Alumni Chapter – NEW”
What is the best flowchart software for ID and eLearning, especially for decision trees like in serious games?


The most popular is MS Visio with Professional preferred and widely used by most IT professional types.
For integrated packages with decision tree features just do a search on Google with keywords “flowchart software eLearning” gives good results. Add “decision tree” to get more results.

I chased some links and found some items very interesting to me but fairly technical since one was about SOA integration of eLearning elements and another was a very “mission critical” case study about a military issue in overcoming cultural differences:

o SOA/eLearning –
o cultural case study –

I am a ex-veteran and been a IT system architect some 20+ years currently concentrating on an SOA global products distribution Internet Facing system featuring SOA Demand Management driven design using Cloud technologies. The attempt is to provide real time management of global product distribution available anywhere and anytime; the design incorporates many APICS concepts the I developed for Toyota Motors, USA’s national parts system, Black & Decker, Ralphs Grocery, Broadway Department, Stores and Hughes Satellite (Direct TV) concepts and software predictive analytic solutions

I’m not sure if or how this may help you, but thanks you since it did help me!

1 page in MVC and Another in C#?

As an instructor of NET Framework 4 that uses Visual Studio 2010, ASP.NET is under-the-hood object patterns.  C# is the best language to use since it designed to be compatible with NET Framework 4 and so is SQL 2008 and Server 2008 with Active Directory using Federation features.  Any MS versions less than these are going to be phased-out because the earlier software versions were a bit of a batch job because all the Federation and NET Framework 4 collaboration features were not fully compatible within the same object pattern technology (based on C# features).  Hence, this most currently implementation level now supports all Federal design goals; the federation feature allows MS to use one architect/framework that achieves single one logon for the Internet doing away with dealing with intranet and extranet configurations.  This was and has been Gates’ vision for over a decade.

There will be fewer and fewer radical changes in the architecture unless a sever design fault is discovered.

ASP.NET is a facade build on object patterns to keep the millions of small developers under the MS family marketing umbrella.  Under-the-hood the object pattern inventory services were built to support patterns like MVC, MVP, SOA, and other more advanced object patterns.  ASP.NET will die on its own being replaced by the newer generation of programmers while attempting to assist the older ASP.NET style programmers to move to MVC.  MVC is more robust, easier and faster program as well as less fragile.  Therefore, the best moves are to build using Visual Studio 2010 with C# and NET Framework 4 using MVC object patterns.  This way you will be OK in 2 years when Microsoft will move away from supporting ASP.NET (or just won’t enhance its features).

I have moved to include the SOA service design software such as (WF) Work Flow and (WFC) Windows Communication Foundation since these are used to create Internet facing transaction applications that can be Cloud enabled.  More fun stuff.,,

Follow discussion on Forums.ASP.NET

How-To Get Educated in the Security Knowledge Area?

I have been asked by a fellow IT consultant about how-to get a solid education in the Security Knowledge Area – in the broader sense of both physical and IT – but not overly in-depth IT/computer detailed.

Short answer and what I think professionally is a good solid approach:

  • certify in CompTIA Security+
  • BUT first certify in CompTIA Network+, and I would further suggest CompTIA Project+

This gives you vendor neutral security service language. This way you learn anindustry standardized approach to security that has a strong requirement of network security knowledge area and provides a good knowledge base of physical security. (For more details to the my blog:

One CompTIA is basically vendor neutral. Most of the major software platform heavily bias their certifications course to their vendor service language and marketing language usage. In today’s market place most of the software have reached an on-par implementation of industry standard deployment. Thus, you avoid limiting yourself to one particular vendor current implemented platform approach and you can comply with many of the government security certification requirements. Furthermore, this industry standardized service language knowledge based education will last you into the foreseeable future (possibly 10+ years or more) and make you more flexibility for career advancement and changes.

AmConstitution – America Constitution

i4Aid is designing and developing as a hub website for AmConstitution organization to promote and inform American citizen about it vision and mission to inform people on the Internet about my the American Constitution is a citizen ratified document and offer classes to inform people about the American Constitution as well as providing books and blog issues in a public community forums.

SEM+SOA(Security+)+SEO Framework Methodology with Business Scaffolding Approach

i4Aid has enhanced their IT consulting practice to a short-hand expression of SEM+SOA(Security+)+SEO as a scaffolding approach to transforming business vision while integrating IT service capabilities. It works just like remodeling a building – you start by building a scaffolding consulting framework. Then point-to-point you start changing different parts of the business but start at the top by building a new enterprise vision, mission and goals for the business – then you develop framework for produce-lines or product channels – all the way to a single product and or service item by recasting service capabilities and maximizing SEO values for hub website and social networks. This moves a firm into the future of a fully actualizing there business vision in a cloud Internet environment – into an actualize, relationalized, modernized, futurized, and revenuizing business

This remodeling method stresses team goals not personal performance such that when a team goal is achieved the team is honored equally (it follows some Scrum rules) Also it promotes a choice cascading style of management such that empowerment is made policy at each level in a business or organization. This creates a growth pattern of management while promoting service capabilities and social networking possibilities for marketing and eCommerce.. Combining these team skills in a directed top-down approach – with a SEM+SOA(Security+)+SEO framework aligns business vision with marketing vision and integrates your vision into to very fabric of the service capabilities at all levels in the IT framework while promoting excellent SEO – thus achieve the business vision while promotng promoting cloud Internet actions.

So, how do you think education will change in the next 5 years will all the advances in tech and internet capabilities? by Dan Fowler SPEAKS

LinkedIn: So, how do you think education will change in the next 5 years will all the advances in tech and internet capabilities? by Dan Fowler SPEAKS

• As a physicist I found a correspondence between statistical studies and the 4% of the universe that is not dark and the Internet. I realized this correspondence between quantum mechanics of wave theory and the Internet studying social networking. Also, studying objects theory between physical vs logical vs virtual world views such that the virtual world can be build to emulate the physical as well as the social networks.

Thus, many student studies will center around studying correlating real social network and the Internet as a virtual world view. It will change the soft scientific studies of politics and economics using virtual world studies of the Internet to find corresponding predictive trends in physical world systems.
This will go on i4Aid WordPress blog.
Fun stuff…

New Resume link on My LinkedIn Profile Page

My resume link on my LinkedIn page has been updated to use “Browser Resume” to display an html version of my resume.

More details…
View Eugene M Murray's LinkedIn profileView Eugene M Murray’s LinkedIn professional profile< – click “View Full View” then go “ – Eugene M. Murray @ i4Aid Profile and click on one of my resumes and down load!